Despite its small population and limited geographical area, Ulster has produced an astonishing number of world renowned figures who have distinguished themselves in the arts, literature, academia, medicine, science, industry, the military and other callings.
Poets, writers and broadcasters; artists, engineers and shipbuilders; sportsmen, playwrights, musicians and singers; teachers, soldiers; philanthropists; politicians and patriots; architects, academics and scientists; physicians; inventors; historians - and more. Some were born here, some lived or worked here for a short or a long time. All made a significant contribution and all deserve recognition. Over the last thirty years, to honour their memory and achievements, the Ulster History Circle has erected over 130 Blue Plaques at locations all over the Province where they were born, lived or worked. Lives celebrated span the 16th to 21st Centuries.
Blue Plaques are a universally recognised symbol celebrating men and women who have enriched the life of their communities and they are erected on buildings, many of which are a significant part of our architectural heritage. Plaques help people to discover them and learn more about the people who have shaped both Ulster ’s past and her future, and in many cases, that of the world. This Blog will augment the Circle's main website by bringing early notice of plaques and hopefully encouraging participation